Mathematician for hire

Describing worlds with mathematical equations

pzabkiewicz [[@]]

What I do

I am an independent researcher and freelancer mathematician who is eager to work for the best companies in the world to describe problems nurturing societies, designers and engineers, and managers.

If you ever had a problem of scaling the solution of a machine learning algorithm, or you have a problem with performance of the algorithm? Maybe it's time to think about contacting me. What I can offer is to write a C++ super modern, high performance, parallel solution to your problem. Even if your problem has been solved in R or Matlab that is not ready for a production run on real data. This is just a mathematical model that can be used for a proof of concept, but it can not be used in real life expirience.

Data modeling in databases both sql and no-sql and others.


If you wish to contact me as an expert to help solve your problem, please write an email to:

pzabkiewicz [[@]]

Topic: Math
I am located in
Lodz, Poland GTC+1 Eastern Europe Time, Warsaw, Sarajevo
so please be patient with the response

If you want to squedule a meeting with me, we can meet in either Lodz, Wroclaw, Warsaw or Kracow

My Solutions for recruitment coding tasks















NOTE: as you can see I really wanted to get into company1 :)

My presentations

About Me

I am a 37 year old software engineer and computer scientist. Finished my Master degree in 2014 and Engineering degree in computer science in 2012. I was a PhD candidate in 2014 and secured a position with scholarship as PhD student on Mathematics department on University of Lodz by reciving 73/100 points on entry exam.

I've started at very young age of 8 in 1995 on Commodore64 writing BASIC II programs and simple games. Later on moved to Amiga 600 and been fortunate enough to have a 128 MB hard drive with Workbench operating system. At the time I was writing complicated games like Tetris and Connoway's Game of Life. I've learned binary and hex because I wanted to cheat in games by changing amount of money in saved game. Later on how to crack a game, decompress and de-assemble the binary, memory map the values on live memory, debug the executable, and make a "trainer" that allowed to do real-time cheats in games. Fun times. Little that I know at the time it will be helpful with malware analysis and reverse engineering of software later on.

In high school (2003-2006) I've learned Turbo Pascal and later ANSI C on Windows PC. Wrote one game based on movie Wargames from 1983 in Borland Delphi and soon to realize that databases and webservices will be the future of computer science. So I've lerned PHP and MySQL in 2005 and started creating websites and internet stores. Linux was a huge discovery in 2004 for me. Knoppix livecd was the first distro I've run on my computer. Learned C++ in 2010 so that I could fiddle and change open source software.

Since 2008 I've worked at multiple software companies on various software including banking, maps and navigation, telecommunication and data management. Been working in Sillicon Valley for short period of time in 2015 on Android test farm. With 16+ years of software expierience I was taking high technical positions in companies like Nokia, Ericsson and Sabre. Always eager to learn new things. I've solved multitude algorithmic problems from recruitment tasks towards top tier best software companies like Amazon or Google, althou never get a good offer from them.

